

Sep 21, 2023

Safer Cycling for E

Heavier and Faster, Proper Maintenance Is a Necessity

E-bikes are an incredibly fun and an efficient means of transportation. But, parents, your teenager’s e-bike or your cargo kid-hauler could be an avoidable disaster waiting to happen.

I am alarmed that roughly half of the bikes I touch as a certified bicycle mechanic are unsafe, some to the point of being outright dangerous. This is partially due to the popularity of direct-to-consumer brands where riders, inexperienced in the mechanics of assembly, build or partially build their own bikes. An equally significant contributor is a lack of proper basic maintenance.

E-bikes come with additional weight and speed. These two factors accelerate the wear of essential safety components like brakes and tires. The good news is that a little awareness goes a long way to making everyone safer.

Here are a few quick tasks that anyone with an e-bike can perform on a regular basis, and the best part is these will prevent a large percentage of potential problems.

As always, wearing a helmet and practicing safe cycling could save your life. And please make sure those teens are buckling their helmets! If ever in doubt about the safety of your bike, it’s best to consult with a reputable and certified bicycle mechanic — it’s money well spent.

Bryan Hope is a certified bike mechanic and the owner of Energized Bikes, a Santa Barbara-based e-bike tour and mobile repair business.